
Showing posts from June, 2024

Sight matters

 Types of Sight loss  Mataracts Glycoma Sight loss is an age related - 60 years old above You don't get better hearing when you lose your sight - something  echo location technique: walking and clicking Guide dogs - you don't get one automatically losing your sight Loses vision on one sides called partially sided = FALSE. Not considered as partially blind and can still be arrived in drive. Registered blind severely sight impaired partially sighted = not automatically getting a blue badge blue badges = registered blind automatically Restaurants - menu Seeing AI free app which makes it speak.  Website accessible format association:  UKAAF - UK Association for Accessibility Asking that question how do they want to read it? Dim lights doesn't cause sight loss but cause eye strain and headache. Good daylight lamp will probably improve sight. Traffic lights guide dogs - always on the same side  Cone spins on traffic lights Maculuse generation -  Age-related

Google UX Design Professional Certificate

 Currently I want to improve my design skills so I think about the business side of things. Recently I have been doing the Design Thinking - IBM courses and I finished that course by working with Ed Kelly and the Stroke Foundation to help them improve their website but I want to delve in it much better by actually going back to learning and applying.